Event Information 2024
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2024
Registration Time: 8:00 am-8:45 am (online pre-registration here (new for 2024!))
Rehearsal Time: 8:45 am-9:45 am
Rehearsal Location: Naperville Municipal Concert Center, 104 E Benton Ave, Naperville, Illinois 60540
Parking: Parking is available in the parking decks across Jefferson Street or street-side on Court Place. Do not park in the US Bank parking lot.
Tentative Playlist to help you prepare.
Performances (Downtown Naperville and Fox Valley Mall)
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2024
Performance Time #1: 10:00 am to 10:45 am
Location: Southside lawn of U.S. Bank (outdoor),
136 S. Washington St., Naperville, Il 60540
Most audience members stand. Audience admission is free. In case of inclement weather, we will move the audience inside the Concert Center, directly north of US Bank.
Parking is available in the parking decks across Jefferson Street or street-side on Court Place. Do not park in the US Bank parking lot.
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2024
Performance Time #2: Noon to 12:45 pm
Location: Fox Valley Mall, Round 1 Event Area (east side of mall, lower floor, near entrance #2)
195 Fox Valley Center, Aurora, Il 60504
Most audience members stand. Audience admission is free. Players bring a towel for water. Chairs will be provided for most players.
Performer Details
- New for 2024! We will return to the Fox Valley Mall, and our performance and rehearsal times will be slightly earlier than in past years.
- You must purchase the music if you do not already have it. We use the same book each year. You can buy it online at TubaChristmas.com or purchase the book at the rehearsal site. Cash only, please.
- Dress in bright holiday colors and decorate your instrument!
- We will have a contest for the best-decorated instrument (two winners!)
- Please bring your own music stand, a folding chair for the performance outside (unless you wish to stand), a pencil, clothes pins to hold down your music while outside, valve oil, and your music book. We’ll have chairs and stands for the rehearsal, but they cannot be taken outside.
- At 9:45 am, we’ll walk over to the bank, which is next door to the Municipal Concert Center. Please dress for the weather.
- After we finish performing at US Bank, load up your gear and your family and head to Fox Valley Mall. At the mall, please bring a towel for water. Chairs will be provided for most players.
Dr. David Carroll, Conductor

David Carroll is a band director in Naperville District 203. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Music Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (96), and his Master of Music (02) and Doctor of Education (17) from Northern Illinois University. He has been attending TubaChristmas events since he was 16, and is now honored to lead the Naperville TubaChristmas ensemble. He has been organizing and conducting TubaChristmas-Naperville since 2021. If you have any questions about the event, please contact him at dcarroll@tubachristmasnaperville.com.
Dr. Ron Keller (1939-2024)

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Ron Keller on January 24, 2024. Ron was the leader of the Naperville TubaChristmas for nearly 45 years. Ron will be remembered as an extraordinary musician and tireless advocate of music education to generations of Naperville students. Ron has performed with or conducted many of the best musicians in the world. His legacy will live on throughout Naperville, Chicago, and the entire nation. Thank you, Ron, for the great memories!